Zine Review: I’m Sorry

Comic, Emily May Rose, [email protected], $5

This comic delivers the promise of its title — it’s a series of funny and very charming apologies. The first apology reads “I’m sorry I pretended to like Break­ing Bad when really I think it’s just OK.” As I read this, I heard Liz Lemon in my head gently but firmly whispering that this was a dealbreaker, as Walter White in full Scarface mode scowled from the facing page. Walter and the other illus­trations in this comic are rendered in thick, black lines, screen-printed on to heavy brown paper stock.

These are my favourite type of car­toons, with bold lines twisted into deceptively simple drawings. They look like you could dash them off with a Sharpie in a minute or two, but if you look more closely there’s a satisfying de­tail and precision to them. Beyond her lukewarm estimation of AMC’s ac­claimed prestige drama, Emily is a blanket stealer, too old to take up skateboarding, and has opinions about music that differ from her ex-boyfriend’s. The whole tone is “Sorry I’m not sorry,” and it’s delight­ful. (Mary Green)