
For the armchair wedding crasher, Vincent Romano and Claire Cocco present this extra-thick issue of OFF-Line, 80-pages documenting/defending their “DIY commitment ceremony.” Eschewing the juggernaut blend of religion, government and excess, Vincent and Claire conceive a scaled-down celebration that attempts to dodge church and state. With a selective guest list, custom-designed wooden rings and a cake that does not look like a triumphant phallus, their ceremony provides sharp contrast to the often-appalling spectacle of mainstream nuptials. The zine is nothing if not comprehensive, including everything from a thorough examination of legal implications to diagrams of the ceremony’s vegan feast. Photos and illustrations abound. The issue is most interesting when it depicts the contradictions inherent in pursuing an “alternative marriage,” a seeming oxymoron. Vincent and Claire identify their approach as “maverick” even as they acknowledge that “monogamy is not all that radical.” For all its egalitarian gestures, most of the zine is written from Vincent’s perspective–only about half a dozen pages of Claire’s voice appear interspersed with the main account. Despite the occasional yielding to convention, it is extremely refreshing to see people actually thinking about marriage instead of just accepting that it is natural or inevitable. (Daniel Marrone)

35 Barker Ave. #4G White Plains, NY 10601