Before I say anything, I have to say this: I would never pay eight dollars for this ‘zine. I wouldn t pay eight dollars for any zine. I think the goal of having 50 readers is revolting snobbery. There is a lot of banality and self-consciousness here. But I also wasn t that open to liking the writing after I saw the cover price. They have to be kidding. Is this some kind of dada-ist joke, or is this just a bunch of Creative Writing majors thinking they own the place? Don t worry, folks, I m sure you ll all have contracts with Macmillan before I even finish writing this review.

litzine / Vol 2 #3, 60 pages / publisher: Bernard Kelly / main creator: Bernard Kelly / $7.95 / 19 Kenwood Ave., Toronto ON M6C 2R8 / Email: [email protected]

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