Chloe Liked Olivia… Stories about Female Friendship

I like it when zine creators use their personal experience to create something accessible to all, something that can truly be called art. G. Evans has managed to do this in her Chloe liked Olivia. This is a journey into the politics and intrigue of female friendship, told through a series of events from Evans’s own life. If you’re of the female persuasion, any number of these stories will probably cause a thrill of recognition for you. Here you can find the in-fighting, backstabbing, and failures to communicate that make up the archetypal “girlfriend” relationship. But for all of its troubles and pains, Evans still manages to paint a heartening picture of how deep and sustaining such a friendship can be. Chloe is also a showcase of how unique, irreverent, and varied girl-friendships often are, and invites the readers to expand their thoughts and drop their preconceptions about what can be expected. This collection finishes up with a letter from Evans’s pen pal, who also happens to be a lesbian. Whether intentional or not, this offers a subtle comparison between friendship and the love affair as it occurs between women, and it’s a poignant place to leave off. Pick this one up: it will make you smile. (J. Blackmore)

Perzine, G. Evans, [email protected]