Broken Pencil

Spring Canzine 2024 is ALIVE! ALIVE!!!

It’s time to enter the ZINE ZONE. From April 13th to the 21st, support independent artists and zinesters at the biggest online zine fest across all time and space!

Introducing Broken Pencil 101: Poster Boy

The internet is dying. Let’s give a toast. In our latest issue, we speak to online’s baddest boy: Dril. Learn about art, philosophy, logging off, all that garbage. Plus floods, rugs, Stooges and the winners of the Zine Awards!

Folio: Lonesome Bill Walker on Puppetry and Pee-wee

Folio asks artists and curators to gather works made with unexpected materials and adapt them for the printed page. In this issue we speak with Lonesome Bill Walker, whose woodwork and puppetry explore queerness and its rich strings throughout pop culture.