Issue #50

Lost Stuff

Lost your hat? Your job? Your pet? This is the zine for you. A compendium of lost products, services and […]


In Clockfire, Jonathan Ball proposes 77 hypothetical plays, all connected by the fact that they’re impossible to produce. Impossibility is […]

Indexical Elegies

When Dennis Lee first published Civil Elegies in 1968, he poeticized civic engagement with immediacy and prognostic savvy. Forty-two years […]

For Derek

Broken Pencil’s good friend Derek McCormack is recovering from cancer surgery and needs money for a long journey back to […]

Letters To Vienna

If we take this at face value Letters To Vienna is a hand-bound little zine of photocopied pages from Benjamin […]

Mr. Monitor

Check for weekly episodes of Mr. Monitor at throughout the summer.

Editor’s Note

When I was 17 and looking for people to relate to, Broken Pencil was my enlightenment. The first copy of […]

Fast Grounded

If you like to do things at a tortoise pace, Fast Grounded might make you stand still completely. The apparent […]

Bone Hinged

With Bone Hinged, novelist, small press activist and publisher of Pedlar Press, Beth Follett, has brought something new to the […]

Beauty is in the Street

In terms of aesthetics, M.C. Neeb’s new release straddles the border between high- and low-quality publishing. It’s a slim volume […]

Ba’al-Zebub’s Birthday

Yellow paper is a perfect choice for an illustrated litzine about a giant fly in a suit talking to a […]