Want your call for submissions included on our list?
Email your call-out to [email protected] (do not send your submissions here).
Subject line: Call for submissions.
Carnation – Vol 2 (Pleasure)
About: Carnation is a submission-based zine that publishes art and writing created through a lens of diaspora and displacement by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of colour).
Carnation’s theme for Volume 2 is Pleasure.This theme is rooted in the desire to foster healing, nourishment, resilience, and solidarity for diasporic and displaced people, and awareness and connection for those who witness us. How do we cultivate pleasure in these times despite and in spite of political turmoil? How can we recenter pleasure in the discourse of diaspora and displacement and in our lives in order to complicate the narrative of loss and longing associated with these lived experiences?
Submissions: We are accepting submissions related to (but not limited to) the following topics on pleasure: Relationships, intimacies, connection, liberation, freedom, healing, ritual, play, embodiment, relationality, sex, erotic power, kink, consent, organizing, activism, feminist killjoy, accessibility, care, love, food, nourishment, abundance, indulgence, leisure, recreation, culture, cultural production, diasporic romanticism, space, place, land, home.
Pay: Selected contributors will be paid $200CAD and will get a free copy of the publication. We thank our funder Canada Council for the Arts for making this possible.
Deadline: May 15th, 2020, 11:59pm.
The Invisible Worker
These are unprecedented times. Covid-19 has brought to the fore the impacts of 40 years of neoliberalism and the massive transfer of power away from workers. Now millions of workers around the world face a future that is uncertain and scary. Many people will lose their jobs, left with the consolation of a statutory sick pay that won’t even cover their rent.
The invisible worker is a zine that provides a voice to workers. We are producing an issue which provides a voice for those in precarious work, in numerous different areas, those with caring responsibilities, families to support, whose lives have been turned upside down by this crisis.
Submissions: We are looking for submissions from people whose lives and incomes have been severely disrupted, or risk being severely disrupted, by the outbreak of Covid-19.
We’re primarily looking for submissions from those who were already in precarious working situations, for example, on zero hour contracts, self-employed gig workers, or freelancers. But we understand that precarity depends on lots of different elements and it’s up to you to decide if you feel this applies to you, we won’t ever question your judgement.
Pay: We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis. Please send your ideas to [email protected]. We can’t guarantee that everything will be accepted but we will endeavor to respond to every email we receive.
Deadline: Once your idea is accepted we will send you information about rates of payment for your work.
The BeZine – Themed Sustainability
About: Our goal is to foster proximity and understanding through a shared love of the arts and humanities and all things spirited and to make – however modest – a contribution toward personal healing and deference for the diverse ways people try to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of a world in which illness, violence, despair, loneliness and death are as prevalent as hope, friendship, reason and birth.
Submissions: Call for submissions of feature articles, fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art and photography, music videos, and documentary videos on diverse environmental topics including but not limited to: degradation, protection, greenhouse gasses, weather/climate change, justice, and agriculture, famine and hunger.
Pay: While The BeZine does not pay for content, neither do we charge submission or subscription fees.
Deadline: This call is open from April 1 through May 15.
Edge Zine – ‘Inside & Connection’
About: The theme for this issue and the next couldn’t be more poignant being “Inside” and “Connection”. Most of us are enduring an enforced period of self-isolation or at least social distancing. Endurance will play a key part in this piece of writing as you will discover.
Don’t forget that media using sound and moving image can also be submitted (.mp3 & .mp4 preferable) to be embedded in the digital zine, and throughout our website and social media platforms
We would ask you for a max 100-word bio and a min 200/max 2000 word reflective account of your creative process, or written accompaniment for our printed edge-zine. We are interested in your visual or verbal outcome as much as we are interested in the process of making and your practice, and will include a written link to where your work can be viewed / or heard. Use the submission form, of which the link is also available via our website or on Facebook, which allows you to submit up to 10 files with max 100 Mb (please note that not all images submitted may be used).
Pay: Contact Edge Zine for inquiries on funds.
Deadline: June 30th 2020, 11:59p.m.
Neuro-Diversity Zine Series

Submissions: We want your personal narrative, origin story, misconceptions you’ve faced, how people could better interact/collaborate/interface with you, and aspirations of how you would like the movement to grow that can serve as a narrative for NTs understanding our people’s experiences. 500-2,000 words is a good guideline.
Pay: Questions or inquires about funds, email joe at microcosmpublishing.com
Deadline: The deadline for issue #6 is November 1, 2020 and the theme is Burnout. The theme for issue #5 is At the Doctor’s Office, with a deadline of August 1, 2020. The theme for issue #6 is Gender and the deadline is February 1, 2021.