As its title suggests, this zine collects several interpretive drawings of sculptor David Smith’s steel shapes. As the publisher explains in the zine’s single prose page, interpretive drawing of other artists’ work has long been a common practice among the art community. Mulvin’s work, produced at the Guggenheim’s David Smith retrospective, is an interesting sketchbook full of the stuff. Though many might struggle to understand the utility of this booklet, it seems as if this is geared toward those concerned with the inner workings of artistic creation. Wesley Mulvin, a sculptor himself, obviously has his own, refined perspective on Smith’s productions and this book exudes passion for the art of sculpting. I’m not much of an art critic, but I can say that a potential reader should only need to read the title above to determine if this fits their niche. (Michael Tau)
sketchbook, Wesley Mulvin, Perro Verlag (publisher), PO Box 60206, Fraser RPO, Vancouver, BC, V0N 2J0,