Finery: Feminist Literary Journal

zine review:

Finery: Feminist Literary Journal

Finery is a heavy thing. Rebecca Brown’s play The Last Parade with images by Steph­anie Lasvankias is a back and forth between Dee and Dum that is full of linguis­tic charm and adventurous eros. “Hope?” asks Dee, “Perhaps for yourself but I, for one, am not that stupid anymore.” It’s great dialogue that appears to take place entirely in a bathtub. The photos depict something different, two people tied together in vari­ous stages of struggle. This intensifies the piece dramatically, lending another stage for its interpretation. Daphne Gottlieb does an interview with Linda Lovelace from the 1973 porn film Deep Throat. Her answers are italicized and Daphne has cre­ated interesting set ups for the appropri­ated answers. “I see you’re still the most beautiful girl in the world.” and “Is it true you’re on the cover of Esquire, with a yummy five-page spread in Playboy?” or “How come you never had any superstar ego problems, anyway?” The antique porn mash up comic strip and additional pho­tography make Finery an odd, gritty choice for your collection, but then again that has never really stopped you before now has it? (Jack Cena)

Litzine, issue 4, 683 Gramatan Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY, uSA, [email protected], $15