This is number 30, a whopping double issue dedicated to the life and times of Liliane’s star character, Butler the cat. Like all Franson’s comics, it is more or less autobiographical and so the cat’s tragedies and triumphs also become Liliane’s. Anyway, I guess if you had to describe this issue in one word it would be cute. There isn’t really much insight into Butler and Liliane’s relationship, and everything happens very quickly, no time for reflection in Butler’s whirl-wind rise to fame. Like all Franson’s comics, the Butler story is told well, but personally I thought it lacked the kind of depth you get when you don’t assume all your readers have been reading your comic since the beginning, understand your inside jokes and also love your pet.
comic / #30, 32 pages / main creator: Leanne Franson / $3 / C.P. 274, Succ. Place Du Parc, Montreal, Quebec, H2H 2H5