Is it possible to make Mega Man any wackier? I mean, guy already runs around penis-armed and fights evil robots like Wood Man who spurts, I guess, superbadass leaves. What more is there to do? Well, if some guy on the internet hadn’t beat you to it, you could have set up a website cataloguing your crude renderings of Mega-Man-bosses-as-pregnant-women. Sounds great in the abstract, I know: at first, I was thinking this site would successfully combine all my fetishes – robots, big-eye manga girls, preggie lezzies – but I regretted to find myself only ever at half staff. That’s because once you actually visit the site, this becomes more of a plain old “Huh…” than it is a “Whuh???” As with all endeavours that are great in theory, the descriptions are often the best part of the exercise. When you read a sentence as absurd as, “One of the problems with carrying a magnetic baby is that it doesn’t just kick and squirm, it sometimes lets off magnetic pulses as well,” you’re bound to be disappointed when you click through and there’s just a drawing of a pregnant woman whose womb emits magnetic pulses. Perhaps the fact that this is all presided over by a guy who is totally into pregnant women – which, whatever – saps any real sense of humour from the project: he’s too close to his subject. These doodles want you to think they’re cute, when I was hoping they’d just be messed. Still, the great thing about this site is that when your conversation with friends lags, you can be all, “Bro, I was at the craziest site – it was all pregnant Mega Mans.” And then that should kickstart shit again right there. (Sean Rogers)