The editors of this “painstaking hand made” paper claim a no-sucking policy, and though I do think that some of the content leaves much to be desired, this may be because the very first page of their February issue mentions Hunter S. Thompson. Clearly, the great Hunter has been a major source of inspiration for a lot of the contributors to this magazine. Alas, merely wanting to be Gonzo does not a gonzo – well, you get my drift. The music reviews are interesting, the fiction pages are promising and some of the comics are quite good. I would particularly like to see more of Bev Calder’s work. The photos are alright and the layout and design of the magazine work well. The heart is there, the soul is there, the guts are certainly present in every page. Mondo itself is almost there. My suggestion to all those who contribute to this monthly publication are simply this: work a bit harder, and start giving a shit. Read more. Draw more. Write more. Throw out what you just did. Do it again. (AL)