The poetry in this issue is probably the best poetry I’ve read in a zine in a long time, it is, in fact, perfect zine poetry: raw, true and unlikely to find a home in other more conservative publications. Two great untitled poems by Geoffrey McLean explore an urban sentiment without sentimentalizing about urbanity. Matthew Firth’s poetic narratives nicely kick off the magazine, his use of juxtaposition and lush language produce interesting if slightly pat results. I was less pleased with Jill Batson whose poetics, frankly, I find contrived and a bit dull. I found most of the fiction dull as well, it’s that rambling confessional style fiction, writers like Firth make much of that kind of fiction redundant, repetition should never be for repetition’s sake. Blades doesn’t crowd his magazine with text, he gives us things to look at, and even laughs at himself by collaging in various press releases and literary announcements (including events he has taken part in). A virtuous magazine held together by a funny bone running straight to your contemptuous heart.
lit-zine / vol 9, #1, April 1996 / main creator: Joe Blades (editor) / $3, $13 for four, $7 for 2 / MAP Productions, Box 596, Stn A, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A6 email: [email protected]