

Paradigm is doing what a great little lit mag should. They are exploring their community, making historical connections, using the rich cultural history of the London area as a spring board for renewed efforts to bring independent creative action back to London. In addition to poetry and fiction, there is a lengthy interview/discussion of the London punk scene, an interview with London poet and fixture, Stan Dragland, and all kinds of information about early London litmags of the Sixties. There’s even a pirate radio manifesto in which Caliban announces the formation of CLR – Clandestine London Radio. Look out for it. And look out for great little mags like Paradigm that don’t just bemoan their community’s lack of creativity and scene, they do something about it. (HN)

litzine, 52 pgs, Jason Dickson, $3.50, 3 Chapple Hill Rd., London, ON, N6G 2H2

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