Pop Boffin

The title of Pop Boffin refers to someone who has an intellectual and emotional enthusiasm for pop culture. Creators Lara and Sam recently spent some time in Europe, and detail their adventures in this zine. I liked a lot of it, including Letters to John Cusack, in which individuals wrote the movie star for advice. I appreciated Sam’s confession about his addiction to CDs (I feel your pain, Sam, I really do.) I also liked the section “where to groove with your gang”, the cute stick figure illustrations, and agree with Lara’s distaste for the recent rise of kerchief fashion. (Yuck). However, there were some things about this zine I didn’t get, such as the profile of cat Miss Lexie Prissypants and the comics involving stuffed animals. There are some art reviews, comments on what the editors saw in Europe, and much more. A good, clean zine. (AK)

zine, issue 3, $3, 28 pages, Lara Jenny, 3848W 21st Ave. Vancouver, BC. V6S 1HY, [email protected], www.webspotter.com/popboffin


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