Right from the chronology of how they got it together for Toronto zinefest Cut’N’Paste in less than three days to the last page of letters, Projectile delivers over and over in technicolour. Like when Andrew, Leah and Preston respond to a casting call for “nasty” punk types – “the more bizarre the better”-: and the Casting guy says “Show me some attitude” to which the gang effectively respond with “Are you drunk?” “Fuck You” and a shoving match ensued. Or the handy colour code your barf table. And ask yourself honestly, can you do without “Where to Puke in Toronto”? Well, we say you can’t. Besides, you’ll also get “Where to get egged in Toronto” which you’ll really need if you don’t do as your told and get this zine now.
zine / 20 pages / main creators: Leahfish and Sandra / $1(?) / 100 Bain Ave, 13 Cedars, Toronto, ON, M4K 1E8