Hey alright, a new issue of the zine dedicated to Sam Raimi, the horror shlock meister responsible for Evil Dead and Darkman and lotsa other stuff. Well, a subtle rebuke to me and anyone else who longed for more of a focus on the early Evil Dead days. Sean writes in his editorial: “I am now convinced we are inthe dawning of a new Raimi era….there are those Raimi fans that cling faithfully to the Evil Dead movies and dislike loookng beyond them…They are mroe fans of Evil Dead than of Sam Raimi.” Well, yes, I am prepared to admit this. Nevertheless, I look on with awe and pleasure as Sean continues his well researched exploration into the Raimi world, focusing this time on the post-Evil bomb, Crimewave. The saga of Crimewave, which was co-written with the Coen brothers, makes for fascinating reading. Anyway, not to belabour this whole Raimi thing, that’s what you have the zine for. There are many many pages of Raimi stuff, in fact, Raimi seems to be a pretty busy guy right now, Sean may just be right, though I wouldn’t call the man who brings Xena: Warrior Princess to cable exactly a Renaisance guy…
zine / #2, 39 pages / publisher: Burning Corpse Comics / main creator: Sean MacLaggan / $2 / 50 MacLean Crescent, Saskatoon, SK, S7J 2R7