From page one, you know this is gonna be stellar. A guy writes in raving about Case’s G.G. Allin doll (which you too can acquire from Stacey). He says: You must be pretty cool because I don’t know any women into G.G. Allin. Hillarity incarnate. Excellent zine reviews follow (very truthful). Then, Stacey is off to New York to rock. As usual, my faves were Feelin’ Shitty Barbie who welcomes us to the Institute of Sexual Perversity and proclaims “It’s enema time!”Also beautiful was the poignant essay that starts: “the first time I went to america i got so drunk i shit my pants.” Stacey does a great zine, and he does great work fo the zine community of TO. He doesn’t need us to say that. He needs us to say: send him money.
zine / #10 / main creator: Stacey Case / $2.50 / 689 Queen St. W, #193, Toronto, ON, M6J 1E6