Robots are sexy; I really don’t care what anyone says. That animated-mannequin-mechanical innocence… I mean, sure, there’s no pulse or breathing or “real life,” but like the love Pygmalion felt for his creation, so too can you find it in those synthetic eyes. This site’s actually called “the technosexuality, pygmalionist, and mind control fetish FAQ 3.0,”” and it doesn’t limit itself to just an explanation of the sexual appetite towards robots and androids. Before the FAQ begins to detail the how and why of the sexual fetish, an acronym is in order: A.S.F.R. This simply stands for a newsgroup that ran for a while focusing on this very topic. While the newsgroup is no longer around, the fetish is very much alive. The FAQ is amazingly detailed, analyzing the psychological nature of a person attracted to animated, synthetic objects. Whether they focus on transformations into robots, cybernetic implants or the idea of an artificial doll that can give and receive pleasure, the various permutations of the robot-as-sexual-object are virtually endless. The site even goes into pygmalionism and mind-control through the fantasy of the user, mad scientist or sculptor who gives life and thus takes pleasure from his or her creation. Looking for a good technosexual fantasy? Well, this is where the FAQ really shines. Ideas like “start-up” and “shut-down,” which activate the seducer, are how it all begins. From there, speaking in “drawn out over-technical descriptions” or performing “stilted movements” are both necessary starters to induce arousal. I could go on, but just imagining your very own Blade Running Priss or Borg sex slave is enough, I think, to get you going to this site (among other places). (James King)