“Pitt flicks the rod, snaps the line, tickles the water’s surface, searches for trout. Junkie liquefies his junk, pulls up his sleeve, pricks a vein and floats away.” Paul Wood’s description of watching a French-dubbed version of *A River Runs Through It* while a junkie in a nearby strip club finds himself engulfed in a sudden fire – that’s the well-written, obliquely imagined world of Trois Mouvements. A combination of personal diary, fiction, and pro-independentiste tract, this zine communicates the world of an anglo Quebec nationalist in Quebec City, a world that many Canadians might behoove themselves to understand a hell of a lot better. Wood’s way with words makes that a pleasure.
zine / #2, 20 pp. / main creator: Paul Wood / $2 / 227 de la Reine, Quebec, PQ, G1K 2R1