Reading “Urban Graffiti” is like getting slapped in the face – after you’ve already been slapped in the face 50 times. I read the word “FUCK” (just like that, all capital letters) so many times I couldn’t feel it anymore. “Did you come?” Lorette C. Thiessen asks in her poem Obscenity. “No, I didn’t,” she answers. “I used to, but I can’t anymore.” The only stories that made me come (literatively speaking) were two by G.R. Gustafson. The Winter is a wonderfully oblique short short, and Lesson is a perfectly pitched random exploration of a bunch of school kids in a hotel watching porno flicks.
lit zine / no known publisher / main creator: Mark McCawley (editor) / $? / P.O. Box 41164, Edmonton, AB, T6J 6M7