Corrections, Deaths and Distro News

Correction! The photo that appeared in Ryan Bigge’s article on the first Vancouver Underground Film Festival was not Paul Kell, as labeled, but rather Paul Jamieson. Sorry! Deaths! The Salivation Army zine has called it quits. The Toronto queer zine is closing its doors, so get the last issue from: The Salivation Army, c/o Fierce Little Engine, P.O. Box 67539, RPO, Spadina Ave., West, Toronto, Ontario, M 5 T 3B8. Also say goodbye to litzine Drift, which ceases publication after ten issues.

CF Kennedy has a new zine in the works though, contact him at 39 Claremore Ave., Scarborough, ON , M1N 3S5 for details. Distro! Two West Coast distros have merged! Jason of Schtuff…Revolution and Greg of Diminutive distros have come together to create one bad-ass distro, for all of your punking needs. Welcome THE DIMINUTIVE REVOLUTION. For more info, contact them here: The Diminutive Revolution, PO Box 8183,Victoria, BC,V8W 3R8,

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