Nadja Sayej

Tales of Modern Tragedy

Laura Kenins is a letterpress printer from Halifax and from what it looks like, takes snapshots of her summers in […]


While most 1980s-themed art revisits Care Bears, Ninja Turtles and Mister Dressup, just to get all nostalgic about pre-teendom without […]

Yo’ Mama

This is the anti-Chatelaine of ladies magazines (even equipped with recipes), and instead of choosing what bag to buy or […]


“The chainletter tapes are private documents for sleuthy women seeping proof of what they’ve seen and evidence of more,” reads […]

Plastic Knife

“Dedicated to Ben Rankins for handing me the key to the photocopier.” And what advantage did they take of that […]

Man with Broken Leg

Anthony Gerace said he crafted this zine “while I was beginning to lose it (again),” and yet, everything looks so […]

Blue and White and Door

Hands down: The next Marcel Dzama. Toronto-based comic artist Ryan Solski makes hundreds of comics, ones that open a door […]