Thank you for supporting zinesters and underground printed arts. And thank you for supporting Broken Pencil and our mission to make space for independent creators who are so often cut out of the mainstream.
You’re a part of the Zine League now, and along with all the perks, merch and swag that comes with it, your support helps our small not-for-profit team continue to:
* publish hundreds of reviews of zines and small press books in our quarterly magazine;
* run Canzine — our festival of zines and underground printed arts — in four different cities(!) and counting, so that hundreds of creators have a space to gather, sell their works and connect with their communities;
* run our international Zine Awards to celebrate zinesters’ amazing and innovative printed works;
* promote free speech, so that creators can be free of both censorship and the imperatives of corporate profit margins.
Thank for from the bottom of our hearts for all your support. You truly are a hero to us!
Jonathan, Anisa, Hal, Tara and everyone at the BP Team.
Please accept these humble badges of honour, which you’re free to share on social media so the world knows you’re supporting zinesters! (hashtag #brokenpencilmag #bpzineleague; url: brokenpencil.com/zineleague.)