‘The Purpose’ comically sums up the overwhelming emotions that are no stranger to millennials

The Purpose
Comic, Kimberly Edgar, 28 pgs, kimberlyedgar.com, @deadbirdparty

“I’ve decided I don’t want to see anyone in my life anymore.” This declaration from The Purpose is an all too familiar feeling in a dizzying world of shock, confusion, and calamity.

Artist Kimberly Edgar comically, yet realistically captures the feelings of so many 20-somethings here. This zine highlights the ongoing theme of mental illness, specifically depression and suicidal thoughts. But Edgar also pinpoints feelings of being constantly overwhelmed by traumatic global events in the news, like a California wildfire, and melting ice caps in the North Pole. Allof this couples with their failure to cope with issues close to home, such as family health issues, and notice of their rent literally doubling in price. But really, who can nonchalantly accept rent increases?

The Purpose is written from the perspective of an outsider looking in on the life of the lead character, Siofra. She decided she needs a complete cleanse, and locks herself away from the negativity of the media and the chatter of her friends and family — despite objections from her therapist, who is seriously concerned given her already poor mental health.

Siofra’s declining experience of self-isolation will be relatable for those who have gone through that sense of paralysis. On day 10 she runs out of food, and on day 14 she has lost all motivation to get out of bed. Her girlfriend, who stays by her side throughout the ordeal, remains supportive and loving despite it all. 

This zine is a perfect little read for millennials who feel lost and mixed up in a crazy world. The colourful graphics take the reader on a journey that is fiction, but still relatable, funny, and honestly pretty enlightening. Definitely worth a read.