Calls for Submissions and Etc.


Call for Residents: Roberts Street Social Centre (Halifax)

The Roberts Street Social Centre is in a period of transition right now – its Anchor Archive Zine Library has recently moved to a different community space in Halifax, and some of its other great initiatives, like the Ink Storm Screen Printing collective, are awaiting a new space. But you can still apply for its amazing summer residency, which offers you materials, equipment and other stuff to finish your creative project and also gives you a place to live.  Extra cool – the residency is now open to musicians/recording types too, with gear offered through the DIY music collective/space Sad Rad. Deadline for applications is March 10, 2014. Apply here.

Call for Submissions: T. Gene Davis’ Speculative Blog

This blog posts a new family-friendly sci-fi, horror or fantasty story every Monday, and pays $50 a story. Visit submission guidelines at the blog.

Call for Reviewers: The Zine-iac Review Blog

This blog reviews zines, duh! The owner Rich needs more reviewers to join the army. Visit the blog here and drop him a line at [email protected].

Call for Submissions: Ghost Launch (Winnipeg)

Ghost Launch is an website that will also serve as an online monument to vanished women’s, feminist and queer bookstores across Canada. It will serve as a memory space and also as a place to launch works that would have launched in these bookstores if they still existed. They are currently seeking “submissions of personal accounts, historical ephemera, writing, and art that record, remember, or respond to feminist and queer bookstores that no longer exist.”  This includes written and oral histories, ephemera like buttons or pens, photos and art, poetry and writing.

You can also submit even if you’ve never have set foot in a feminist/queer bookstore (or even had the chance to). Responses to the absence of such spaces are strongly encouraged, as are fictional or fictionalized accounts and documents. Submissions will be accepted throughout the year. WE LOVE THIS PROJECT!!! Learn more here.

Call for Entries: Prairie Fire Writing Contest

Prairie Fire is now accepting entries for the Banff Centre Bliss Carman Poetry Award, Short Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction Contests. Win prizes up to $1250! Entry fee is $32. All entrants get a free one-year subscription to Prairie Fire. Deadline is Nov. 30, 2014. More info here.

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