Oh, I love reading the East Village Inky. In many ways, its like reading my own stories. This little gem has been around for a number of years and just keeps growing as Ayun and her family do. It is a unique thing in the zine world, a little collection that contains much writing on her kids… but it’s more about her being a parent and a person at the same time. Which is important work, because so often when people have kids, be they athletes, rock stars, zinesters or rocket scientists, they lose themselves. But, if you read someone like Halliday’s stories in East Village Inky, you can understand that life with kids can be one zany adventure after another. (John Pressick)
number 8, Ayun Halliday, perzine, US$2, P.O. Box 22754, Brooklyn, NY, 11202, U.S.A., [email protected]