Prisoner Of The Clockwork Cannibals!
Avast ye mateys! We have a zine of sea exploits and swashbuckling afoot! But not the kind you and I are used to. In Prisoner of the Clockwork Cannibals, we follow Rockwood Flynn on a journey that begins on the angry waters of the sea and ends with Flynn’s heroic escape from a hostile wasteland occupied by robots that cultivate humans for slavery. Imagine being the fleshy, inferior replica of a species of ugly androids. Now you get the picture. The illustrations are both hilarious and surprisingly well drawn, considering the limited space and amount of detail in every panel. The same goes for the text. On a whole, the tiny, string- bound comic is filled with more action and humour than it has little orange pages. It’d be interesting to see what the next chapter brings, for this zine is certainly worth the treasure hunt. (Amy Greenwood) [email protected]