This short zine outlines the dreams and desires of a seventeen-year-old girl who relates her encounter with the Harry Potter series and how she instantly and obsessively fell for the young lad. Then, she rants on about Alan Rickman, from the movie adaptation, who may be a more suitable candidate for her to pine after, as Harry is too young for her. Although the zine is short, it’s cute and complete with plenty of Web sites to check out. She also includes information and reviews concerning the purchase of the Nimbus 2000 by Mattel. For those of you who aren’t in the Potter inner circle, the Nimbus 2000 is the broom that Harry Potter flies around on at the Hogwarts School for magic. The young fanatic expresses exuberant child-like desires to attend the fabled school. I might be inclined to feel the same, if I were in my early teens. (Lara Rock)