This comic zine starts off with a cartoon that grossed me out. A young girl is stalking an older man, propositioning him with some twisted favours. It turns out to be her dad and the last frame is her sucking his dick. Not my cup of tea, although tea does make me gag, so maybe for me, it is exactly like a cup of tea. Next, the zine moves on to drawings of different women’s faces with a description of their personality flaws. Then Gurl moves into sketches of women as: detached body parts, woman as part robot, or woman as disfigured. It was crystal clear by the end that the creator doesn’t really like the ladies. He possesses drawing talent, but he’s a little behind the times. Misogyny is out dude! Yuck. (heze douglas)
comic, #1, 20 pgs, $3 or trade for self-published porn, Robin Bougie, #320-440 E. 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5T 1NS, [email protected]