This is a fanzine all about the classic Canadian cartoon Rocket Robin Hood…a futuristic reworking of the Robin Hood myth. Pietila has even managed to include copies of some original artwork from the show. The zine starts off with the show’s theme song, and like Fiona says in Shrek after she kung-fu’s Robin and his men to a pulp for singing their theme song, “that was so irritating!” I must admit this fanzine is well outside my scope of interest. But if Rocket Robin Hood makes your mouth water, you’ll find the history of: networks, budget, artistic influences, animation types, voices, character breakdowns and even some script! If you like beefcakes in little underpants with big belts and boots it might do it for you. (heze douglas)
comic, winter 2003, 15 pgs, $3, David E. Pietila, 440 Mary Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8L 4W9, [email protected]