Eyes on the prize! Only 3 Weeks Left to Submit to the Deathmatch

“Done shelving, her spectacled gaze returned to the TV screen at the precise moment Kirk initiated the self-destruct sequence. With each explosion of special effects, she saw herself in the classroom, a spectator to the smoking shuttle debris falling into the Atlantic Ocean…”

From part one of “Conspiracy”

We are counting down to the December 31st deadline for our first ever Indie Illustrator’s Deathmatch — are you ready?

Entries are pouring in already, so we thought we’d give you a sneak peak of some gems illustrating the first part of “Conspiracy” by Joe Bongiorno. And if you’ve got your eyes on the prize too, take inspiration from these close-ups of some quality peepers.

Grace Desmarais
Michael McGlennon
Maya LeMaitre
S. A. Mukherji
Claudio Ghirardo


Ready to throw down and draw?
Enter the Illustrator’s Deathmatch Now and win cash, fame, and more!