The Barbed Wire

The creator of this zine, whoever s/he may be, seems to be claiming to be a continuation of sorts of the old satirical political party, the Rhinos. Or not. Either way, there’s some interesting stuff here. It starts with an attack on the country’s “hypocritical system of so-called justice,” moves on to speculate on Nietzsche’s insanity and how that compares to the mental state of today’s Canadian politicians, and then advocates a guaranteed annual income. It wraps up with all sorts of articles on the problems with Malaysia, and how and why they’ve been ignored in the West. It sounds, and in fact is, very serious, but it’s written in a fairly breezy manner that takes the didacticism out of it, and leaves room for thought. (KR)

zine, 12 pages / publisher: Born Again Rhino Force / $ free with SASE / P.O. Box 553, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 3A3

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