Coffee Salt

Kees is a strong writer and in this collection of fiction and poems, he chronicles everyday life gone slightly weird, capturing people at work and after work, showing reserve and compassion in his ability to create characters who display themselves, but hold fast to their most private moments. “Judy” is the story of an incident in a group home from the perspective of a staff member. Judy has problems, steals another tenant’s ceramic horse. But other than that, not much happens, which is what elevates this story – it’s engaging, without trying to tell us this is exactly what goes on at a group home and these are the people who are involved in these kinds of goings on. In “Count”, Andy has her gas station kiosk attacked by an irate customer. Later, she picks a man up in a club and they go back to his house. If there is judgement, if there is cause and effect, it is (mostly) up to us to decide. (Hal Niedzviecki)

litzine, Kees Kapteyn, $2, Box 564 Virgil, ON, L0S 1T0


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