Hmm. So this thang is “committed to the critique of contemporary social, economic and cultural conditions and the pursuit of new ways of living and being based on a synthesis of socialism, humanism, and the spirit of mature religiosity.” Sock it to me! More manifesto than chronicle of our times, I’m afraid, this will satisfy those with thumb-sucking tendencies. I enjoyed Brady Haskell’s “Economics on Trial” but overall I felt like, despite my general sympathy with their thinking, I wanted to stop thinking and start dancing, or building, or doing anything but sitting in humanism class.
journal / #2.1, Winter 1996 – journal, 32 pp., / main creator: Edited y designed by Allan Skelbroy / $3 / The Society of Natural Humanists, P.O. Box 45135, 2482 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont., M4P 2H0