
A zine mistitled is always a sad thing. But a good zine mistitled, well, that’s a tragedy. This zine Rash gives me none of the creeping displeasure that a rash provides. And believe me please, I have suffered rashes. They blew up off my face, oozed hot viscous tears and spread to places you wouldn’t believe. In the zine Rash, I find the comfort of dialogue — love, sex, highways and snakes getting lost. I find a distinct feeling of being put in a place and liking that place. I find polemical writing of a pleasant kind, and while next issue things might have a little bit more of that unpleasant scratchiness, Rash is more like a salve for the itch of being alive.

zine / #1 / publisher: Eric Ruljancich / main creator: Eric Ruljancich / $2, $7 for 4 / RR #3, S-7 C-17, Castlegar, BC V1N 4H9

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