Call for Submissions: Fiona Apple Fanzine!

Want your call for submissions included on our list?

Email your call-out to [email protected] (do not send your submissions here) Subject line: Call for submissions.



Yalda Riot

About: Yalda Riot is a riotgrrrl zine about intersectional feminism, women in music, queer identity, and Jewish women.

Submissions: You can submit anything you’d like, as long as it’s about Fiona Apple!

Some ideas of things you can submit: writing, collage, fan art, reviews, etc.

As of right now, submissions will close October 20th! Please send all submissions to [email protected], and include your name, pronouns, username, and anything else you want included! Yalda Riot will most likely include everything, but if your submission is something they deem inappropriate, it may get cut. Also, you can submit more than one thing if you’d like.

Deadline: Submit to [email protected] by October 20th, 2021.