Want your call for submissions included on our list?
Email your call-out to [email protected] (do not send your submissions here).
Subject line: Call for submissions.

Bed Zine
About: Bed is a zine that will reflect the many, complex ways that disabled peopled experience, conceptualize and feel about their beds, whatever bed means to them. These feelings will be represented by a combination of Images and words, shared by contributors.
Bed zine issue one will be published in spring 2021.
Submissions: Anyone who self-identifies as disabled is welcome to send in submissions. All submissions should include an image representing your bed, as well as words accompanying the image.
The image can be a photo of your bed, an illustration you have made, a small comic, etc. If you want to send in more than one option you can send up to three images, but only one will be chosen.
The words can be as short as two words and a maximum of 500 words, and can take the form of poetry, fiction or nonfiction. If your submission is chosen, your images and words will be published together in the zine.
Please send all submissions as pdf’s in an email with the title “bed” to [email protected]
Pay: Tash King (she/her) will be making this out of pocket so she won’t be able to offer contributors more than a small honorarium of $10 CAD and a free copy of the zine. All profits will pay for the production of the zine.
Deadlines: Submit your work to [email protected] by January 22, 2021.