Volunteers: We still need a few more volunteers! If you’re interested in helping out day of and/or the day before, sign up to volunteer please!
Tabling: We have exactly 5 spots left for Canzine Ottawa. If you know anyone who might want to table, tell them to act fast and REGISTER.
Canzine Ottawa is Sunday, October 6 at the Ottawa Art Gallery and SAW Video Media Arts Centre (entrance at 50 Mackenzie King Bridge). Canzine is open to the public from 12-6pm. Please be prepared to staff your table from 12-7pm as we do have audience members arriving at Canzine as late as 5:30pm.
Checking In
Vendors will be admitted to Canzine to start setting up their tables at 10:15am. Any vendor who has not checked in by 11:30 could lose their spot at Canzine. Each vendor must check in at the Welcome Area with our Canzine staff/volunteers. You will then be checked in and get a welcome package including the new issue of Broken Pencil.
Lining Up
Everyone who has registered is reserved a spot. If you wish to arrive early and line up, you may do so. The line up will be outside the entrance at 50 Mackenzie King Bridge. Again, you do not need to line up as your space at Canzine is guaranteed. However, the choice of spots is on a first-come, first-serve basis. We cannot guarantee any particular table placement and you cannot ‘save’ a spot for another vendor arriving later. If you wish to have a spot next to a friend, both vendors must be present when we assign the table spots and we recommend you arrive early in that circumstance.
Choosing your Table
Once you’ve been checked in, you will be asked to chose an open spot. All spots will be numbered. Any numbered spot that is not taken is available. Any spot that is marked “reserved” or with the name of someone else is NOT AVAILABLE. Please respect the signs, anyone caught moving signs will be barred from Canzine. There will be volunteers on hand to assist you. Note: We cannot provide access to electricity outlets or allow extension cords so please plan accordingly.
Extra Assistance
If you wish to inform us in advance of any accessibility requests you may have, please email us asap at [email protected]. Should you have mobility issues or are in need of extra assistance, please proceed directly past the line and to the lower level for check in. There is an elevator available. If you need any extra help, let the Canzine volunteers out front know.
Other Important Stuff
- This a festival dedicated to zines, comics and self published printed material. The primary product at your table must be self published printed material. Please respect the integrity of the event by minimizing apparel, pins, toys, jewellery and other non-zine items.
- The rules of the OAG forbid the selling or giving away of food. There is zero tolerance for food sales/giveaways at Canzine – no baked goods, candy, snacks, etc. You may have food for your personal consumption only.
- Vendors will have a maximum 3 feet of space at a 6’ x 2’ table. There will be two vendors per table. Please respect your space allocation.
- Due to the limited space per vendor, we ask that you plan to have no more than 2 people staffing your table at the same time.
- Vendors are responsible for their own table dressings. Please bring your own tablecloth (A bed sheet can stand in for a tablecloth; cheap tablecloths are also available at dollar stores).
- Vendors must bring their own cash float/change, we cannot provide change; a price list is also a good idea.
- Vendors are encouraged to bring a banner or sign to identify their publication or group.
- Vendors are responsible for maintaining a clean space. Please clean up garbage and leave your space as you found it at the end of the day – clean and free of debris.
- Members of Broken Pencil will be asking vendors if they would like to submit their zines and comics to be reviewed in upcoming issues of the magazine. If you would like to be reviewed, please bring an extra copy of your publication and make sure that the contact information, ordering information and price are clearly marked.
Anti-Harassment, Anti-Oppression,
Accessibility and Values