PistolPress (one word) is based out of Montreal and Toronto. The three members of the press (Gil Filar, Jp King, Hillary Rexe) came together over some late-night Harvey’s and discussed an alternative to the current publishing scene that was more inclusive, dynamic and, basically, enjoyable. “We knew that if we were going through with this, we couldn’t just be another run-of-the-mill small press. What really motivated us was the opportunity to publish young, upstart writers without a clear avenue for their work, and to do so in an aesthetically kickass style.”
At the current moment, PistolPress prints with Marquis Imprimeur, a printer based out of Montreal. “We work closely with a great guy there named Laurier Blanchet, who cuts us deals and helps guide us through the process. We intend, however, in the near future, to create an in-house press.”
This spring, the press is launching an anthology called The Future Hygienic, which will be a collection of fake media and prophetic prose. “We’re also working with the WhipperSnapper Gallery in Toronto on some exciting things.”