Issue #65

Book Review: Chloes

Dean Garlick, illustrated by Nicole Legault, 80 pgs, Lodge Press,, $14 When we first encounter Chloe Fortin, the titular character in […]

Zine Review: Zoom

Poetry zine, Stephen Cain, issue 1, above/ground press,, $4 This is an excellent collection of poetry for people who don’t care if […]

Zine Review: 398

Litzine, Elizabeth J.M.W., issue 13,, $3 The subtitle for this collection of short stories — “The Rejects” — is apt on […]

Zine Review: Paper and Ink

Litzine, Martin Appleby (editor), issue 2,, £4.50 Reading the occasional British zine can be an amusing enterprise for North Americans; it’s not […]

Zine Review: Broken Romance Vol. 1

Flash fiction zine, Josh Rosen, 16 pgs,, $3 Mail-out zines are so often associated with undercutting pop culture and reclaiming something authentic […]

Zine Review: Even Noisy Sparrows

Litzine, Serafima Mintz, issue 6, 527 NW 6th Place, Gainesville, FL, 32601, $3 US ($5 US for international orders) This ever-changing publication […]

Zine Review: After Swann

Chapbook, Marthe Reed, above/ground press,, $4 The words and phrases that constitute this series of poems were culled and collaged from Swann’s Way, […]

Zine Review: Wonk

Comic, James Spencer,, $3 Wonk is a sketchbook masquerading as a… pamphlet? Curb your expectations accordingly and you’ll probably dig this collection […]

Zine Review: The Straphanger’s Noose

Photozine, Marc Calvary, 32 pgs, The Carbon Based Mistake,, $1 When I first read this zine, the entire time I was thinking […]

Zine Review: Otherwise Smooth

Chapbook, Rosmarie Waldrop, above/ground press,, $4 The tone of a written work has likely never been set as quickly as it is […]

Book Review: Beautiful Darkness

Beautiful Darkness, Fanian Vehlmann & Kerascoët, 98 pgs, Drawn & Quarterly,, $22.95 Vehlmann and Kerascoët’s Beautiful Darkness is a […]