2021 Zine Awards Entries and Zines Unboxing with BP Editors!

This past weekend Broken Pencil editor, Jonathan Valelly, joined Broken Pencil Assistant editor, Anisa Rawhani, to talk about the 2021 Zine Awards and unbox some zines. How fun! You can still catch this IGTV on our Instagram!

It’s our Fifth Annual Zine Awards! Woohooo! Check our latest IGTV where Jonathan Valelly and Anisa Rawhani unbox zines (who knows they might have even opened your zine!), talk about the zine awards, and drop some exciting announcements on Broken Pencil’s upcoming shenanigans.

For more information on the zine awards and how to enter click HERE. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this year’s zine awards you can send them over to [email protected]. Happy zine-making and zine-entering my friends!