How did we miss this? Toronto’s online mag The Standard does a round-up of great zines, from the long-running Aussie zine You to Portland’s finest whale zine Whoosh. See here for more recommendations.
The Barnard Zine Library scourges its archives and digs up a total of five (FiVE!) anti-Rush Limbaugh zines. Not tooooo surprising, but there are some great fitting little revisions on his name (Rush Limpballs et al).
The Vancouver art and design online mag Cargoh previews a new photo zine from local photographer Jonathan Dy. If you live in Vancouver, you can also check out an exhibition of his work at Catalog Gallery.
AND, if you didn’t read it already, Broken Pencil did an online interview with the awesome and talented Montreal-based illustrator Raymond Biesinger about his work and the upcoming prize posters that are on their way to this year’s Deathmatch winner.