Comic, Cole Pauls, [email protected], $3
Sometimes you pick up a zine and you know exactly what you are in for. Pizza Punks‘ sleeveless, studded jacket, complete with pizza back patch says it all. Fans of punk and pizza rejoice, here is a comic for you to shove in your face like many a triangular slice of carb-filled goodness. What we have here are comics and illustrations about punks and their slices that range from silly to gross. My favourite is a stencil-style motivational image of a mustachioed punk munching up with a caption that reads, “Remember to eat at least one pizza slice a day.” What more do you need to say? It ain’t deep. Its bright green pages feature comics by Cole Pauls and pinups (yes, pizza punk pinups, to coin a term) by Kirsten Hatfield, Joel Rich, and Brian Fukushima. The quality varies a little bit but it generally delivers the goods, no pun intended. (Chris Landry)