If Amy C. Lam were a book in a past life, she would have been a dictionary. This zine itself is a dictionary-a personalized one. The poems follow the sequence of the alphabet-each one reads like an alphabetized list, so each one is 26 words long, and the poems themselves are alphabetized by their first words, so the first one starts with A, the second with B, and so on. It’s creative organization! The last poem goes like this “Zoo abandoned, beasts creep, dig… Emerge free. Giraffes, hippos, impalas, jaybirds, koalas, lizards, mice, nightingales, otters proceed quietly, returning, startled, to umber, violet, white-yellow.” What an alphabetic rollercoaster. No kid with magnetic letters on a fridge could outdo that one. (Nadja Sayej)
Litzine, Amy C. Lam, http://wearepeopletoo.org