George Sipos’s Anything but the Moon is a violent reminder of everything that I am not. Sipos can balance the wisdom and repentance of every day, and slices off the stubble of it all in short staccato breaths. Mixing Al Purdy-like imagery with the delicate and lucid language of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, he paints our great western landscape in a nobility and integrity all its own. His ability to lock in and preserve the oft-forgotten moments, like the in-betweens of a clock tick, is both exciting and refreshing. He is as seamless as he is sincere. Anything but the Moon is anything but to be missed. (Shawn Collins)
by George Sipos, $17.95, 104 pgs, Goose Lane Editions, 469 King Street, Fredericton, NB, E3B 1E5,