Pages and pages of free-form hate ooze out of the crusted coffee pot of Sam’s irradiated mind. Obsessions include death by cancer, fourteen year-old hookers, and being an unfortunate corporate drone…this thick sludge jolt of caffeine is to be passed down the lips imbibed as black as rotting fingers tapping out the worst dreams of life all day on the key-board means all of this will matter. One is tempted to remark that this ‘zine is what Sam does in lieu of filling up a hunting vest full of shot-gun shells and stalking the junior executive bosses in the shade of the office’s florescent lights. Neither for the stable nor the unstable, Sam’s P.K. Dick influenced rambling would make great punk songs. Is he the only one who came under the influence of Jim and Tammy Baker’s show PTL in the year 1984? More likely, he’s the only one willing to admit it.
zine / main creator: Sam Geezer / free / 82 Primrose Crescent, Brampton, ON, L6Z 1E3