This ‘zine is obviously preying on our fears. It takes our commonplace concerns — aliens, American insurgency, war-time cover-ups — and makes them seem ridiculous by elevating them to the realm of the highly implausible. And yet, at the same time, it fuels are fantastic fantasies by filling in certain hypothetically conceivable details…didn’t the dinasours all die at once?…doesn’t the Grinch Who Stole Christmas exhibit traits of a particularly un-Seuss like nature?…aren’t those ancient pyramids weird?…why can’t I get Conspiracy out of my mind?
‘zine / publisher: The Cosmological Meditations Society / main creators: Imperial Grand Master, Senior Councillor, Most Exalted Inquisitor / $1 per, $10 a year / P.O. Box 515, 916 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1K7