If you need to know about the “Emerging 21st Century Slave Order for World Poor,” or perhaps about how New Year’s festivities in Vancouver presaged the coming revolution, here’s your first news source. Besides all the typical anarcho-commie lingo, there’s a strange twist here from the “Communist Libertarian Unemployed Battalions”: anarcho-communist revolution is apparently prophesied by the Bible. So, “by judging the Beast system we become radical saints,” and “the plutocrats are the most direct example of Satanic force that the symbols in the Bible describe.” These ain’t your typical liberation theologists (actually, I’d be pretty shocked if the C.L.U.B. had more than one member). These are anarchristians with all the fire and brimstone of the craziest fundamentalist right-wingnut, and in some ways their passion burns to the heart of the issues. Must be read to be believed.
zine / V.3, #3, Jan. 11/96, 36 pp. / $3 “donation” / The C.L.U.B., P.O. Box 73557, 1014 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C.