Well things are certainly heating up for one of Atlantic Canada’s most notorious fun loving anarchist guys, Chris Yorke. Just to give you a little idea of what we are dealing with here, this issue of the Gypsy Times is crammed with press clippings talking about his brush with police at a Mount Allison University ‘performance-art’ show. Seems Chris, Gordon Isnor (of the zine Left Hip) and an unidentified woman got a little raunchy, you know, eggs, nudity and possibly sex (no one knows for sure…) Anyway, the boys made tv, they made Atlantic Frank, they had fun and still haven’t been arrested. In between press clippings are various collaged vitriolic rambles, most of which relate to Yorke’s obsessions: sex and power. I can’t help but wish that there could have been fewer press-clippings and more insights into Yorke’s idiosyncratic consciousness. The open monologue is wonderful. It includes the line “I found my ‘Nana Miscouri’s’ in the free frames section, which proves you don’t gotta be rich to have class.” Still, Chris hides from us behind the vehemence of his anarcho-zinistical construct. A pioneer, a hero, a zine you don’t have to love to understand and be just a bit afraid of.
zine / vol. 2, #20 / main creator: Chris Yorke / $2, $9 for 6 / PO Box 87, Five Islands, Col. Co, NS, B0M 1K0